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Stay x Stay Home Virtual Conference 2020
StayXStayHome 2020
Panel The Rise of The Digital Creative featuring DK Smith, John Lynn, Ja'dan Johnson, and Coy Griffin (57:48)
Lightning Talk Better Human Better World (Tech + Social Impact) Tiffany Jana (25:43)
Lightning Talk Maintaining Connections While Working Remotely Courtney Underwood (28:39)
Fireside Chat The Changing Media Landscape and You: How media is transforming the way we communicate and connect Alex Wolf, Anthony Frasier Georgie-Ann Getton-Mckoy (56:22)
Lightning Talk 7 Tips for a Successful Pitch Meeting Michael Clark (35:32)
Lighting Talk HER Story: Navigating The Complexity of Leading in Tech Gillian Davis (29:35)
Lighting Talk HER Story: Remote Work for Personal, Financial and Location Independence Joy Valerie Carrera (28:02)
Panel Working, Slaying, and Playing as a Female Leader in the workplace Kanika Tolver, Mariella Paulino, Taye Johnson, and Busie Matsiko-Andan (63:44)
Lighting Talk Personal Productivity & Managing Information Overload Scott Hanselman (45:17)
Fireside chat My Mind and The Digital World Monica Barette, Colette Ellis, and David Yarde (27:46)
Lighting Talk Burnout is a Community Issue, Not an Individual one Emily Santiago (34:13)
Panel The Future of Work Tim Salau, Derrick Stroman, Vakassia Niles, and Daniel Adeyanju (61:01)
Fireside chat Learning from Anywhere: How online education will change the way we learn Justin Shaifer, Jonaed Iqbal, and Bridget Boakye (50:10)
Lightning Talk 5 Key Strategies to Level Up your Business Georgie-Ann Getton-Mckoy (29:03)
Lightning Talk Democratizing Better Sleep Ruthie Nachmany (27:09)
Lightning Talk The 4Ps to Owning Your Career Daniel Adeyanju (34:51)
Lightning Talk Doing business in Africa Bridget Boakye (21:13)
Panel Finding Your Place in the Global Virtual Economy Vernetta Freeney, Terry Oppong, Katriel Sarfati, and Basant Shenouda (60:57)
Fireside Chat The Experiment Called STAYxSTAYHOME Georgie, Daniel, Bridget (27:10)
Lightning Talk Better Human Better World (Tech + Social Impact) Tiffany Jana
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